3000+ total attributes tri-stack showcase - update from earlier post with PoB and notes on the build in comments

POB via maxroll - https://maxroll.gg/poe2/pob/o13u305h
Set 1 of the POB is general, Set 2 is a slightly more map/clear orientated version
Following my last post I was inspired to push from 2750 to over 3000 total attributes, and have managed to achieve it by moving passives around and slotting in an adorned with 5 magic jewels.
Credit to DSfarblarwaggle on youtube who inspired me to start this build and all the other creators including ashimar who have shown their version of the build that gave me new ideas or tweaks.
Notes on POB:
For some reason attributes are being buggy on POB if you are importing it. (This appears to be linked to morior Invictus as when changing any passive node I lose all the attributes morior gives me until I take it off and on again and if you remove and add the final soul core it changes the attributes)
Grand spectrum not yet initialised – I have added a fix for this in the configuration portion of the POB
Adorned not affecting enchant rolls – I have added a fix for this in the configuration portion of the POB
Kalandra’s touch doesn’t appear to work with ingenuity so I have just used the same ring twice to mimic kalandra’s touch
Herald of ice is in the build but requires a swap to a 30 spirit corruption helm to use for mapping
jeez... i have 1200 overall atts and at the moment, many things to do. impressive
I also am a stat stacker. But your build is expensive. Please post total cost of your build
Where is your elemental pen coming from?
Edit, oh i see adorned.
You could play around with swapping pen to tempest + tree
Remove rage on hit, unsure how you generate without a rage jewel
Accuracy support on tempest kinda meh even with all the scaling.
taking the pen node next to lucky to swap the affix on your emeralds, not sure what it could be but its the first thing i thought of.
Also I assume you're going for pure attribute numbers over dps scaling, theres many optimisations to be had. Im sure you have played with pob and figured it out.
Awesome to see the build setup. Thanks for sharing !
This needs to be nerfed into the fucking ground.
Multi-mirror build and still jewel swapping on boss lol
3000 is absolutely insane, but im just wondering what is the point of hand of chayula at this point? surely everything gets instantly deleted without it? i have not used it myself as i have not found a use case but am wondering if i am missing something.
What's your farming strategy to achieve this kind of wealth?
Man... you're like a walking lightning storm... Shoulda used Bury the Light for the music. Shit video and build, 0/10.
Real talk though, this is such cool build lol. Nice!
Here i am with 400 intelligence.
Insane setup but you cant use obs to record a clean watermark free video ? Weird
At this point, are you even having fun with the game lol.
Them 5 socket morior are 100 divine alone. I dont believe people are genuinely earning the divines for these builds unless they are in trading farming groups or streamers.
How do you generate currency to support this? I feel like every league I can farm up a 50d build but I’ve yet to break through and hit the big mirror builds. Is there some exponential currency generation that I’m missing? I run juiced breach maps and the occasional sekhemas.
Wow dude, you have all my dream gear haha. Can I ask about the "Against the Darkness" - what are considered notable passives? Let's take yours as an example how many x 4% do you get in your current setup in the bottom?
It's weird seeing builds like this- if this were a new game, and this was the default gameplay, would anyone think it was a fun game?
Serious question, why is everyone using attack speed gems in staff? In terms of attribute equivalents, isnt the lightning rune more bang for your buck?
So RObs build cool
Beautiful. I bet that feels so good doing the mobs in so fast!
How are your resistances maxed? You don’t have resistances rolled on any piece of gear besides your chest, correct?
Request to replace the current song with a picture in picture video song of the cowboy screaming over the mountains.
Super cool budget version, cant wait to see the next version when you have farmed a bit more currency!
flexing bought currency build version #564545
this guy spent 4k divines ,game is 2 months old,even 50 div per day wouldnt be enough,but anyways,gg
lol people make stat stackers and expect us to think it’s intuitive game play
Is it just breaches in the citadel (or wherever you are) that drop all loot at the end? I hate having to back track.
is your goal just to get as high attributes for fun? because this doesn't seem very efficient for optimizing dps compared to regular stacker setups. for example i only have ~2200 stats but double your dps. 70% eva, 7k ES and don't have to rely on MoM
How much real $ did you spend?