This can't be the most efficient way to do this... right?

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It's more efficient if you employ a lootslave that picks up everything behind you.


They need to copy last epoch. Its good and its meaningful.


Why aren’t you unloading all your inventory when you go back to town? Also set you loot filters to get rid of crappy uniques, keep all unique belts, ammy, rings for shards; boots and gloves too if you are short on chance. I don’t have this issue, but when doing breach it’s better with controller as pickup and casting for me is “a” which allows me to kill everything and loot as I go


If they streamline this then it means less people will be playing for as long as they do in a season /s


Clear all breach first before splinter picking if you're confident you won't die.


I had around a 15 breach map 2 nights ago. I was in that map for over an hour. Looting was the worst.


Feel the weight


Why not make it just auto pick up like gold? Maybe you can have a toggle in options for which materials auto pick upo


Terrible you have to hand pickup all this crap. Developers need to respect our time and make currencies just that and it should go into a currency tab that you don't have to manually click on 400 times. Gameplay is fantastic but looting/trading/crafting(slot machine) is all terrible. Come on devs you guys can do better. Maybe I should go to a grocery store and throw $110 in quarters on the ground when I pay.


Picking up items artificially inflates playtime. It's just an easy way to goose the numbers.


Just need an option that automatically puts loot like splinters into inventory after finishing the content or map.


You farmed over 2 breach stones and 60 raw ex in 21:39. This isn't really that terrible. Even less so, when you factor the extra 3 trips out of the map to clear up 4 inventory slots a piece. I know you said you didn't have the much space and wanted to keep track of how much you got in the map, but not needing to do that multiple times would've made it a solid 3-5 minutes faster. If you can tolerate the FOMO of not having every possible chance shard, you can leave all the trash uniques as well and probably shave this down even further, as those are half the reason for needing to inventory dump.

The breach splinter system in particular could definitely have a more streamlined approach to drops, but to answer your initial question, no, it's definitely not the most efficient way to do that.




i find it best in poe 1 and poe 2 to target farm. especially in a trade environment

for breach I just target the most worthwhile catalysts or ones I use and splinters and then one or 2 armour pieces

I have way too many ultimatums or trial coins to actually ever use so they are now off the filter unless level 80+


Inject this music directly into my veins.


I don't know if you noticed but efficiency is not high on the list of things that POE2 has


I really wish POE2 would come with auto pickup for currency. I mean, who doesn't want currency. Make a button to switch it off if you don't like it


I would prefer a breach style drop. Clear the map, hit a button and you get all the loot. It would be so exciting seeing multiple dings at once. A nerf in the quantity is probably needed


Press z z to reset highlighted item location pls


I think the most efficient way to do that is with a really strict filter and an Xbox controller to pickup everything faster.


oh my god brother in chrisy set up a more strict filter and pick up everything as u go, im sure u dont need like 90% of that trash thats on ur screen


compelling gameplay, huh


One of the main reasons why I stopped farming breach. It's good money but man I had picking up all the loot.


You missed one


You mean i have to pick things up in a video game? Even though I opened that map, started the breach, knew this is how this works, and still chose to bitch about it?


360 splinter breaches omagad What is your atlas tree like ?


To arthritis maybe


I'm on a very slightly modified Uber Strict Plus filter and it's pretty nice seeing just 2x Splinters at most with the occasional tablet(s). RSI begone!


Make your filter waaay stricter. A good filter means you literally pick up everything you see on the ground (except some uniques).

Use a controller. Spam X while doing breach. Prioritize spamming X when you're part of the breach that you know you don't want to backtrack to. Yes, you won't kill as many monsters, but then at least you won't have to backtrack. Profit.


Pretty sure you need to remove single breach splinters and every other low value drop from you filter.


Get a worse build then its fine.


Ye, I like breaches but I also hate them so much.


I barely can fill my inventory one time in map, max half of it. You just pick so many trash items like "irradiate tablets". See and get only Expert items for my class, currency, breach & rituals tablet, splitters, maps T13-T15, sollar amulet, sapphire ring, heavy belt and spirit/skill 19-20lvl. Probably im missing something but thats it in general terms.

Make your own filter here :


there was a season in diablo 3 where you got the access to altar of rites where you can sacrifice various items for bonuses and some of those bonuses were the ability for pets to auto salvage items or pick up crafting material and it was the best shit ever. i almost cant play the game without those QoL features. I am not engaged with having to pick up random currency off the ground. GGG is just stuborn for some made up reason in their heads. if one of the keystones for breach was "breach splinters are auto picked up" i would chose that over "your damage is increased by 1000% while in a breach".


we out here playing path of exile but u are playing path of breaching so just enjoy your loot and stop complaining.


How are you dropping so many breach splinters?


I usually just die in the first 3 seconds. This way I save like 30 minutes. That's peak efficiency


GGG needs to implement delirium-like drops for breaches. Much like in the Twisted Realm.


1 minute doing the breach, 20 cleaning up the loot

Their profit is from selling stash tabs, so ya makes sense


*laughs in controller