Stupid shit like this with 0 counterplay makes this game unplayable sometimes

the game is so unreadable, I watched this 12 times and I cannot tell what killed you, about 7300 hp lost in single instant, was it a corpse explosion? the blood?
this plus.. well how fuckin loot drops is why I'm hopping back to Last Epoch till they hammer things out for a bit.
Prior to the patch trash mob ground effects would go away if you killed them before they went off. After patch they now stick around after the mob is dead. Not sure if this is intended or a bug, either way it's making the game unfun.
It could have been the ice explosions, the on-death effects of the minions that rushed you, a blood pool, or more likely a combination. It does look like you didn't move much though during the clip.
You definitely deserve a 10xp loss for that! Now you'll have to learn and do better next time!
You: WTF even killed me?? What is it I'm supposed to learn here?
Move. Don't just stay on one spot.
Yeah the game is so unbalanced right now I think I'm done until they drop a big patch.
It was the chaos boils. You can see them going off before and after you died. But they didn't render :( :(
Double dmg to ES...
Whats crazy is I've played 400 hrs and have never had any bugs like this
Don't stand still.š¤£
Yes it's another death.
But... I mean... look at the floor detail. Just lovely with all those chunks of ice and dead corpses.
I mean sometimes there's so many mushrooms and sticks n rocks n stuff.
No idea what killed ya bud
I would say it's a choas boil explosion and you have low chaos res. Honestly I don't know if it's a glitch or your PC here. None of the boils are rendering on the screen. Also, do you mean 80% evasion, and is that with acrobatics? Keep in mind evasion is an entropy style calculation.
Non boss enemies dealing 7k+ damage is only possible when you're not resistance capped
Show your resi. Ill bet chaos isnt capped
among all the videos I watched that ppl died from nowhere, it seems certain effects are removed fro your game. you can see some purple explosion from nowhere in the video but usually in my game, they will float around for a while.
btw, what is ur chaos resis?
What's your chaos res?
You realize people play this game in Hardcore to lv100 right? Go ahead and post map mods and your character defenses and we can tell you what the counterplay is.
CI now and forever
Clearly hit an ele reflect mob here
I would highly advise against staying in one place for too long. So many shit happens that you can die to effects you won't even see on the screen.
It's bad, but that's how it is.
yep, hate to say it but back to diablo 4.
Path of exile 2 is amazing, but its endgame is tragic.
Plus new d4 season actually pretty good.
The frame you died theres a chaos explosion i think they were blocked by terrain or other effects. Looks like multiple exploded at once. for those rituals i tend to blink around and roll randomly in case this happens. You want to roll onto the orbs early to pop them so they dont stick around and hit you when you dont expect them.
Players donāt mind if they cheese the game but if it happens to them itās unplayable
Counter play would be not getting one shot by building your character to be sufficiently tanky
Do you have dynamic culling on? If so turn it off.
Man does this happen a lot? I have like 2200 life and seem to be doing alright on tier 13s. Does it ramp up a ton after this?
Thatās why I stopped playing, the best way to reach the devs is with play count numbers
There is counter play. Itās called dodge roll.
Any 1 hit death late game shouldn't be a thing...
Only a very obvious "ultimate attack" from a boss should have that option to kill in a single hit.
But right now there's just way too many things that can kill you instantly or in a short time even with decent gear.
People want slower gameplay and not that stupid one click to wipe everything on screen crap that goes both ways.
You need anout 42069% more aoe to keep screen cleared. Skill dif
Top that with 1 death per map...ya fuck this. I'll go back to diablo lol. I like a challenge, but this is why i never played hardcore in diablo
You have less than 2000 life. Pls
Yeah i died in a map from some bullshit right after the patch and it said my character ācommitted suicideā. What in the fuck does that even mean???
Imagine playing on hardcore lol
a lot of things arent being rendered lately (namely death effects and some slow projectiles), happened to me yesterday in a citadel. The only things on my screen were 2 white mobs that weren't attacking and I had overflow life and es for 14kish hp and some dmg goes to mana as well. I was tweaking because I just spent multiple hours mapping over to it. Taking a few day break to practice art, hopefully it gets fixed in the meantime
Unfortunately things like this make me shorten my playtime a lot. I could fly through maps without any close calls, and then one random monster 1 taps me, or a monster beside it stuns/freezes me, AND THEN a monster 1 taps me. Seems like itās only when I find a map with awesome mods, or a mix of good content in it. š this is coming from a player that has prob 3k or more hours in PoE1 across multiple consoles.
Honestly, when I first started the game and saw these videos, I always wondered how hard the late game had to be for these videos to happen.
But most of the time people build glass cannons and neglect their defensive stats like resistances or run maps with really hard modifiers. I'm currently running 79-82 maps and can take these heavy hits without a problem. For me there are no one-shots, even if the really hard hits do 40-60% damage I have to make the same mistake twice in a row. So its hard to believe that the game is uplayable or something
I mean, to be fair, that in your video was most likely a visual bug, but if you're squishy enough to just die at 100-0, it is probably one of the things I mentioned above
Going frame by frame it looks like a monster revives next to you, you attack - it dies and you die before the attack animation finishes..
Reflect? Or Boom on death from the mob I think
I love random one shots. That way, I get tilted (motivated) and close the game to do smth else. (Haven't played in abt 2 weeks...)
League of legends moment...
CI lad CI
The chos bubbles didnāt visually load in for you, whenever I do a ritual with them there everywhere. Very odd, are you playing on dx12 or vulkan? Also you have lots of energy shield just proc into (you have no life but are immune to chaos resistance) you wonāt miss the hp and figuring out your gear specs will be easy.
Don't do ritual without 60+ chaos res. I just swap out some pieces of gear and cap my chaos res if I'm farming rituals and I can pretty much ignore all the BS tornados blood waves boils orbs etc. But yea the clutter is completely overwhelming.
Stuff like this made me quite PoE2 and every time I see random bs death like this makes me never wanna play PoE again and I've played about 7000 hours between both games.
The way the Ritual spawns, the limited area you are in, the invisible shit that 1 shots you, layer and layer of bullshit mechanics stacked against you to take all the fun away from you in an instant slowly builds hate inside of you for the game.
We have these bullshit mechanics in Poe1 but in 2 they are way worse, I got 6 portals in the first itteration, if shit hits the fan I say fuck it and go back to finish what I started, here it's like someone puts a dagger thru you every time this happens.
I can't understand why do we need to have 1 shot mechanics like this or on-death effects that are way more dangerous than the monster when alive, this makes absolutely no sense to me.
Just recently got my monk 85% dodge and 85% armor and i still run into stuff like this where i basically blink-and-die
> 7k in one shot!? Uhā¦ do you have like negative res? Thatās insane. You got hit so hard I felt it in Phoenix.
Was it the ritual that spawns the purple bubbles on the ground? Looks like a purple explosion (or a few of them stacked together) killed you, but for some reason they are invisible???
Heart attack. Should've eaten your vegetables.
tell me about it
Chaos res? It does double dmg to es. Evasion is irrelevant for one shots