Legacy: Steel & Sorcery - 10+ THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW Before You Play!


Legacy: Steel & Sorcery Things you need to know before playing! #legacysteel&sorcery #sponsored Get Legacy: Steel & Sorcery Here - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2344320/Legacy_Steel__Sorcery/?utm_source=DPJ 00:00 Intro & Video Overview 00:44 What is Legacy: Steel & Sorcery? 02:10 Gameplay Thoughts 04:13 What You NEED To Know! 04:21 Starting Classes / Playable Characters 04:34 Class Skill Trees 04:45 Collect, Farm, Loot BUT DO NOT DIE! 05:35 The Basics / Gameplay 06:07 The Basics / Loot 06:31 The Basics / Extracting 06:42 Vendors & NPCS - Crafting, Buying, Selling & Upgrading Gear 07:26 Gameplay Quests 07:41 The Lodge 08:06 Class Levelling & More Powerful Gear 08:50 PvP 09:12 Final Thoughts 10:00 Performance 10:27 Dev Q&A ✅►Business Only - [email protected] ✅►Become A MEMBER Of The Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/dpjsc08/join ✅►SUBCRIBE FOR MORE - http://goo.gl/qPP7K ✅►Follow on X - https://x.com/dpjsc08 ✅►Follow My Instagram: http://instagram.com/ytdpjsc08 ✅►Join My DISCORD - https://discord.gg/ZAc5gGX