I think we are all okay with the difficulty of bosses, but what happened to the promise of good loot when killing these “rewarding” bosses.
I currently finished ACT 3 and the loot is just non existent. Found my first chaos orb in ACT 3, thought they said “we want you to craft more, so currency will be more abundant”. Well that’s just not true. I have found maybe 4 exalt orbs, but without other currencies I cant do anything. I’ve seen map drops be just as bad.
Please experiment with drops in the future and give us more. Thanks.
I think every boss should give your character something tangible upon its first kill. The Ice Witch boss gives you a permanent +10% resistance to Ice when you kill her. Every boss should do something like this. Giving extra character bonuses, from skill points to permanent stat bonuses to inventory slots etc, things that stick with your character permanently makes people seek out the bosses to get those bonuses. Having a loot drop is fine for subsequent kills, but loot drops are temporary, as well as samey feeling, as in it doesn't matter which boss you kill, it will give you that same drop. Whereas if it gives you a specific bonus, it makes you want to find boss X for those specific bonuses.
Yeah nice to see that the boss I died to 15 times, and fought him for 30mins, drop 2 wisdom scrolls and 3 white items xdd
Preach. The loot in this game sucks. It is, by far, the biggest issue with this game. I think the reason people think it's a slog is because nothing good ever drops. It's not fun to play for hours on end and get nothing but vendor junk the entire time. Call me crazy, but when I play an ARPG I want loot and this game fails spectacularly in that department.
Agreed! I'm fine with the boss difficulty but the loot is abysmal. I killed every boss from Act 1 through 2 and I had to mostly buy my armor/weapons to keep up. Is that the intended way? It's boring tbh because it doesn't make me thrilled to deal with the adds before the boss. I even had armor pieces that increased drops but nope.
Yeah, the loot leaves much desired - bosses and map special chests both need a boost. Just hunted down a map chest and got a whopping THREE gold. 😑
I've been doing a ssf run and the very first yellow ive dropped was at level 13.. i still havent dropped a belt enough so i just had to buy 1 off the vendor for 1/2 of my gold .. kidna starved for loot really
My act 1 boss dropped 4 rares. 1 of them being good. My experience isn't everyones of course but loot as been good for me 🤷♂️. RNGesus be praised I guess.
I lose resistances faster than I gain them going through the acts. That's with me picking up ALL good white items related to my build, picking up all magic items to vendor, and all rares to break down, PLUS all socketed items to salvage. Full clearing maps and overleveling and doing all side content. I look at the vendor every single level also.
All of this combined leaves me with maybe a small upgrade (~20 life, maybe 10% res) on gear through half an entire act. Weapon upgrades are even more frustrating... I've seen people run weapons from the start of act 1 already being in act 3.
The difficulty in the campaign is the good refreshing part. The gear situation desperately needs patching and fixing, as well as the amount of currency drops which is abysmal. Please give us like 400-500% more alchemy orbs they feel rarer than divine orbs.
Maps also need fixing and rebalancing to be much easier but thats a whole different can of worms. I'm not talking about bosses btw, mainly the mobs. They swarm and destroy you
The loot is by far my biggest issue. Increase item, but more importantly currency drop rates. That solves a number of issues, like slow movement speed, long boss fights and the game won't feel as much of a slog sometimes. Right now, it's too RNG to get a decent early weapon with how rare Regals seem. Or at least not enough chances to engage with the RNG.
loot really sucks started 4 toons 3 have dog shit gear my Ranger found some good shit immediately and the game got more manageable the game is not that hard when the gear falls but when it doesn't really sucks
My advice for you is to re-do the bosses a few times. Boss loot might be meh on one kill and really good on the next. It also seems like if the player is really overleveled the boss loot gets worse.
I’m up to the Apex of Filth & haven’t gotten a meaningful upgrade since the first area in act 3. i cannot kill the boss at the apex & since skill gems just seemingly stopped dropping i can’t “respec” my skills to try something new, i feel like i bricked my character.
100% agree. To the point I might wait and come back in a month or so, they'll probably patch it really fast, everyone agree!
Loot is the single biggest issue with the game for me. Bosses dropping nothing but blues, currency being scarce as hell despite promises to the contrary, vendor items being far too expensive relative to the gold gain (which competes with expensive respecs).
I’m enjoying the game, but it is an absolute slog on every character that doesn’t get a lucky drop or roll.
In the big presentation that came out a few weeks back i was totally sold. They seemed to make such a distinct segway onto the section of "LOOT". saying that's what were all here for right, and that they had decided to make gear drop less often but make it better loot and more meaningful. Act one was fine, but once i killed the count who gave me nothing, ive seemed to get nothing but grey and blue since. i really like the game but i hate getting on these hype trains over and over to just feel like ive been totally mislead
We die after killing the boss, it's really not a good mechanic.
It's all about gambling and checking the shops now.
Sadly despite what they said they intended in terms of finding items to pick up and craft on in the campaign you actually are better off saving your exalts etc and just buying items off of trade (exactly the same as in PoE 1). You are unlikely to find currency and unlikely to find good items to craft on in the first place and even if you do the chances of actually exalting on a useful mod at a decent tier is also abysmal. It is the exact opposite of what they said they wanted but who knows if it will change.
Honestly POE2 sucks in my opinion. The loot is bad. If I wanted to play Ruthless then I'd play Ruthless.
Seriously, I have never been so bored of an ARPG as I have with this game. The lack of any loot is sleep inducing.
GGG built a solid ARPG but forgot the most important part...the loot.
Tbh, there is no need for chaos orbs so early on.
And bosses are very rewarding, had to farm bosses a few times to overcome the block, and the drops are much better. Like one boss may have better loot than the whole map
I got a rare chest in act 1. From a boulder I clicked on.
Yeah, fighting bosses are fun but I'm just using the weapon I've crafted with transmute and aug. Nothing better drops. Whole series of Act 1 bosses dropped zero rare weapons, not even for other classes. Are we doing poe 1 or 2? They need to make up their mind
I watched every single interview with the devs and they often said that they want boss drops to be more exciting. So that was a lie. Final bosses of A2 and A3 dropped some useless flasks, few blues and an uncut gem with lvl below than what I aleeady had.
Agree bosses should drop a wee bit more on completion and more crafting needs. I think one of the bigger issues with loot that may or may not be intuitive is rarity item % on gear (albeit not a common affix). I have found one unique and tons of rare with my witch who has 14% rarity item found compared to 1.5 more time with my monk. Rares have sped up character runs too with a couple equipped vs first play through and focus farming rare mobs/gold hustlin.
This. Killing white, blue, rare or Boss in terms of gold drop is completely random too. Right now killing something else than white mob is just tiring and time wasting that's all..
I think chaos orbs are rarer than in poe1 while exalts are much more common. You're not even at maps yet!
Just beat the act 2 final boss and that boss is legit insane. Got a couple blues and a yellow item which was for a melee class (I’m a sorc).
It’s early access. Shits obviously gona change.
That's so true, i never thought there' still shard of low tier currency after they promised good currency drop rate...
The boss fights are the best of any arpg imo.
Everything in between them is miserable, and the lack of drops is appalling.
I dont even pick up rares after day 3 on a poe1 league. But here im excited to pick up any blue/rare on a good base.
I'm starting to wonder if GGG is doing some AB testing with loot rates and I was put into the lucky category.
The way people are talking about loot drops is a totally different game than the one I'm playing. I get at least a regal, sometimes 2 exalts, from almost every boss I kill.
I'm playing HC and restarting each time I die, so I have killed all the bosses in act 1 several times so far and I think people just don't understand random variance. The loot has been way better than anything I could expect from the campaign in PoE1, where the bosses will drop a bunch of useless rares that I will just end up ignoring or turning into a couple alts and maybe a quarter of an alch.
come on GGG. You can't sell stash tabs if the game is like this.
I'm level 30. I haven't found SHIT. Not a single useful thing.
Agreed, most of the difficulty is influenced by having crappy gear the whole time. Once you get a few rares with defense and resistance it makes a huge difference but they never drop and you have limited orbs so if you fail to get anything good you just keep on having crappy gear.
Most of the difficulties stem from defenses and offenses not being boosted very much from gear drops. I'd propose each big boss drops a rare that is usually good for your class. So anything that has a map marker should drop loot.
Sounds like bad RNG or exaggeration. I'm still in Act 2 and have 5 chaos and a dozen of each regals and exalts.
That's the way I felt when I took out the ACT 2 boss. No loot... and I was robbed of the victory when the annoying Asala jumps in takes the glory. Some serious d4 vibes here.
Only standard players are ok with the boss difficulty. Hardcore players have zero room for error AND don't get rewarded for it. So you stay on shit gear trying to fight bosses that most people need 10 attempts for.
Even if they increased loot by 200% in hardcore now, it would still be awful - that's how bad it is.
Last boss in act 2 gave me like 3 blues. I mean the gameplay is great but what is this d2 loot? 😅
more loot means more stats or better gear, means easyer bosses but im here for it :D
i hate getting 2-5 rares a act that isnt my base anyways
It's either a random magic item or 100 gold lmao
I'm level 43 and have dropped maybe 3 uniques, none of which I used.
Been noticing the same. Does the game have boss loot tables? I wouldn't mind resetting an instance to try and grind out a cool item that could help me out.
PoE does PoE things. i am mid act2. Got 3 Exalts allready beside some usefull stuff. Hard game tho, but also 2 Uniques and plenty of rares..
I've cried when i used my 1 exalted orb at lvl 20 to get a plus phys damage on a witch rare ring. Never found an exalted ever after that, rip.
More loot. Rework dodging. Give us the option to replace the dodge roll with movement skills again.
They already do it with the sand item. Literally just make that optional.
I just got 1 rare and 2 magic from cruel doryani lol, beat with mace from normal difficulty, used every regal i dropped and still cannot get upgrade.
Kind of agree, playing ssf and struggling a bit to craft. Been farming a boss to upgrade my gear. Breaks the pacing a bit.
Its funny cause theres some bosses I kill and see an amazing pile of loot and others that drop a couple of blues. Just make every boss drop at least a couple of higher tier currency (especially the ones that take a while) for your first kill.
I’m not as far as some but my understanding is bosses can be fought multiple times for drops, is this not correct?