30d budget build request



I saved up 30d (can be up to 35d if some stuff sells) and looking for next build to try (played stat stacker gem)

Was thinking of either a poison build of some sort, dd blood mage or a shattering conc. Would 30d be enough for any of these?

Would like to do juiced maps and maybe actually try some pinnacles.



I also have a gemling and I decided to build a Slowmancer (cold focused chronomancer), 30D would be about it for the build.

It's definitely slower than a Gemling, as everything pretty much is. But it's a nice pace and it's safer for bossing. The damage is really good just a bit slower to apply because you're relying on Frostbolts to fly (they are slow) and energy build up for comets to proc off of your crits.

I diverted from this a bit but it gives you a good idea.