Penetration: When do we want this garbage stat? Is it actually good?



Let me start by saying that the buildcrafting in PoE2 has been some of the most fun I have had in ARPGs. It is less complex than PoE1, but it has enough changes to calculations, map mods, and player power to make it a unique challenge to optimize. In PoE1, it's usually pretty trivial to optimize a build with theorycrafted changes before a patch even drops, so this EA league has been super fun.

I have recently been trying to evaluate elemental penetration. I think that this stat should be on the mind of almost the entire playerbase, since everyone and their mom is using either Archmage or HoWA. It used to be one of the most cracked stats in PoE1, since it could drag mob res below 0%, but it serves a very different and more subtle purpose in PoE2. Most mobs have a base resist of 0%, making this stat absolutely dogshit compared to curses and exposure, and some bosses & typed mobs (lightning/cold wraiths) even have like -30% to certain elements, which almost reads like a slap in the face for penetration. However, curses and marks are now way harder to apply automatically in this game. Blasphemy support used to cost an easily reduceable 35% mana for a permanent curse with just 25% less effect, but now costs a whopping 60 base spirit (54 with qual) for a curse with 41% less effect. Penetration % has been nerfed even on support gems, from 34% to 30% (and without the ability to further scale from qual or level).

This means that we're in a weird situation. Self casted curses are still great for most bosses (and I guess mobs) that don't have any modifiers boosting their resistance, but absolutely suck for general mapping and anything with a +res modifier. Blasphemy curses are amazing for general mapping, but might do literally nothing for high mob ele res cases. Since the curse applies to the actual res value rather than the mob's max res value, it can actually whiff. That's a tough prospect for a 60 spirit investment. For the average player in T16 30-60% delirious, the average rare or boss stacking 2x res mods or a map boosted +65% ele res being "kinda tanky" isn't that bad, maybe slowing down breach clear a bit or requiring a quick swap to a penetration support gem, but I think this situation is screwing over anyone trying to do aspirational content for their build or trying to handle simulacrum. I think it's also slowing down an average clear case because of these roadbumps as well.

So - penetration is normally a dogshit garbonzo stat and it's complete dogshit if your current level of pen is above the average resistance of the monster in front of you. PoE has a lot of stats to scale and evaluating a stat with low uptime will generally show you that it has no value.

In spite of all this, I think that penetration may actually be an insanely powerful stat, if sufficient investment into overall dps has been made first. Let me make my case:

  1. Penetration is really under-costed on weapon runes. Per point, you can get much more penetration than attack speed or physical damage. With the rune change to allow messing with them, swapping this is super cheap - if you want to run simulacrum, a whole bunch of +ele res maps in a row, or Xesht/other bosses with high res to your damage type, you can do it for like 26 exalts max. As an example, An average attack speed notable might be 6%-10% attack speed. The rune is only 20% less attack speed, which is great, but a lot of penetration notables require you to way overindex in penetration (like, 2x 6% pen travel nodes into a 15% pen notable) with no consistent value for a similar effect. Getting 15% or 30% pen on your weapon can let you completely ignore monster resistance with only 1 notable or 1.5 jewel affixes, which can be like a 20%-40% total damage buff against highly resistant mobs.
  2. Penetration is really obnoxious to get on the tree since it isn't consistent DPS, but it's highly available in jewel slots. Running a map, boss, or simmy that requires pen? Toss on a few backup 1 div jewels and you can hit like 50%-70%. Jewels can roll 10% penetration, which is way, *way* higher damage per affix than anything else in situations where you need it. Like 10x the value. It's even amazing in relative stat compression per passive point. Most attack speed notables are 6%-10% AS (ignoring the att stacker notables that go way harder, making the value even worse on jewels). Pen notables top out at 18%. A 10% lightning pen jewel is 55% of a pen notable, while a 4% jewel is 40% of a 10% attack speed notable. Best case, you can get slightly more attack speed per point (66% of a 6%) if you'd otherwise be investing in a utility notable.
  3. If a monster has 75% resistance due to mods or whatever, curses and exposure likely do nothing anyway. They work on overcap res, so they are almost certainly doing literally nothing in these cases. You can benefit from this by investing points/skill slots into other avenues of damage/tank. For instance, why not swap out a Conductivity-blasphemy aura for a Temporal Chains-blasphemy aura?

I think that early-mid game builds do not need a lot of penetration. I would maybe suggest getting 20%-40% pen to counter base enemy type & buffed mob ele resistance, but I think that many build paths and itemization recommendations are undervaluing penetration in the lategame when you're dealing with dangerous mobs that can get far above 75% resistance.

Thoughts? Am I totally off base here for general encounters? I think that this misunderstanding of the penetration stat is what's causing the more casual community to believe that things like Simulacrum are so difficult.



as an invoker all crits i do ignore enemy resistances above 0 so i dont need any penetration


I run a pair of pen runes in my pillar, I find the damage loss in non-resistance content negligible (attack runes literally don't change my aps at the moment) and the damage loss in resistance content is obscene when I don't have them (bosses, I've had maps with up to 70% res)