Engineer love :)

translation: go to bed folks it'll be a while
This is nice. All I get is more work as a SRE at my job.
now imagine if the 3 week delay did not happen
i cant tell you how many times leadership has said this BS and I got compensated nada...
to be honest i'm not mad it's just funny to experience all of this. it's just a game. if the game is eventually good its okay with me. im drinking wine and enjoying the friday. all good for everybody in this reddit
Ok they basically rold me to go sleep and come back tomorrow. Shoutout to the team tho.
Appreciation is always nice, but money is better. Pay them guys well!
I'll keep sending them my login requests, that's for sure!
Yea basically that means i have plenty of time to go make food
Thanks engineers, you can fix my backend any day.
Couldn't even imagine the pressure that they feel.
honestly, what a nightmare it must be to be those engineers rn. Wishing them well - hope once things are good and going they get some good rest
Hope they get a bonus for launch days tbh. Words are nice and all, but give em moneeeey so they can take the day off an play PoE 2
I FUCKING LOVE YOU GUYS! Thank you for your hard work and for being authentic! :')
Take our energy!
Also: First time boys?
Everyone in IT there knows their weekend is fucked, so hopefully they’re being compensated… RIGHT GGG?
Somehow managed to snag the name Holliday for my Sorceress in the 5m we were able to get on.
As long as they are getting O.T.
Thanks for the efforts if your reading this engineers!
Am from the UK so think I'll watch a movie then try tomorrow hope anyone who is waiting gets in to play 👍
I played 3 min in this, got the first boss - its the best 3m of my life (thats what she said)
Finally got mine up and running
Ye, beasts! I'm gonna be mad impressed if after this downtime they have achieved stable servers that won't crash.
Gonna go lay down my backs killing me.
Now the POE website is "Down for maintenance"... Time to grab some dinner and beers. I don't see this game launch happening (for most ppl) tonight... At least not for a few hours -- at least.
Hi I have a problem, I bought on website the supporter pack and I activated the key on steam I downloaded the game but when I try to log in This m,essage apperas, even though on the website it says that my account has the access to the game. Can someone help me ???
marvel rivals is free and entertaining enough to play while i wait lol.
Where are these updates posted?
The realm is stably inaccessible :')
Anyone else able to get to the point where logging in works, then linking Steam to POE account gets to the point where the POE website says they sent an email to confirm linking accounts - yet no email ever shows up??
No. I’d rather rage and call them lazy.
I handbuild wiring harnesses for all kinds of aircraft; to truly achieve the specs, you need to be an artist and a craftsman.
We have teams of engineers, quality control specialists, sub assemblers, maintenance techs, inspectors, layup specialists, etc.
You would be surprised how much faith is needed in your team when creating as close to a perfect representation of a client’s order as possible.
I draw the comparison due to the complexity of the product that is a video game nowadays. Good on the POE team for working so damn hard. Thank you to members of your team that aren’t public facing.
You love to see it.
Sending all the positivity to the backend folks!
Same shit, different game.
Night shift. poor guys
Their resilience and commitment to ensuring the realm is stable
I guess if the servers stay down then that counts as stable
Hope they pay them more for their time and efforts instead of just giving them pizza. :)
I don’t see how they couldn’t have prepared for this the game has been hyped to Oblivion
i cast guidance /o/
This is the difference between a good team who loves their game and arrowhead who make excuses for shoddy work and lazy implementation
I hope they are paid well. :)
I made it to the character selection. Then it went out again. Now I ask myself if it would be better to go nap to wake up early or try again til I get in.
Engineer was my favorite class for insanity in mass effect 2 and 3
My computer hard crashed twice when I clicked on the character selection after login. Anyone else had this issue?