New All-Time peak just now, with 544k players on Steam, the game is getting even more popular.

Wait so you mean the game isn’t being poorly received despite what the poe1 subreddit says??? Who could have guessed/s
The only problem for me is that I don't have enough time to play it ;-)
Wow that's amazing
The game is awesome , it's everything I want from an ARPG , even friends who didn't like poe1 are having a blast , thx ggg
No wonder my game seems to be lagging
And then there are 300 “Vets” complaining on r/pathofexile lmao
I wanted to love PoE1 but it was overwhelming as a new player trying to wrap my head around all the systems they had. The changes PoE2 made by making it easier for new players to get into the game and not be immediately overwhelmed is probably a huge part of why it’s taken off the way it has.
This game is gonna do some fucking numbers. It’s very evident that they’ve addressed issues that the Diablo games just refuse to and I absolutely cannot wait for the full release.
It’s nice to be excited for something other than monster hunter wilds in 2025
I had my fun with it. The lack of loot imo is the biggest turn off. The difficulty and pace of combat is great to me, but I crave the next drop and steady progression. This really isn’t scratching that itch with its current state. Something needs to be done about it imo. Also, they need to implement predictive step networking, mandatory lock step makes the game unplayable if anyone has a connection that isn’t the best.
The game is great for EA. A lot of things are done well. But the few big issues in the game are definitely exacerbated by the reddit. I would certainly expect this feedback to be addressed in due time, since that's kind of the point of early access... but either way I'm having fun with what we have now and look forward to tuning and adjustments to make it great
It honestly doesn't surprise me. The game feels so good already.
That's pretty impressive.
The zoomers are down soooo bad
"Oh BuT TheRe wOnt BE a PlaYerBaSe To PlAY SOmeTHIng ThIS hARd AnD sLow"
Big launch numbers always drop off but I expect this to hold a higher player count long term than poe1 did.
I was personally highly skeptical of the game given I never loved Poe1 and gave it a shot after getting my bored with D4VoH was very impressed.
The is the D2LoD successor I’ve been waiting for since I was a teen.
It’s a great game but not one I see myself replaying on new leagues unless some big changes are made.
What I wonder is how many people are going to come back
Its a live service game even if at first it get very popular if it can't keep it on the long term it doesn't matter. All I can say is for now it really isn't for me
Not even counting console players
I really like PoE1 but as far as I know now from aprox 20hrs of playtime, PoE2 is fucking amazing and I doubt I'll be revisiting poe1. The combat is perfect and I can't wait to make more characters and try the other classes. Merc WASD is the bomb (pun intended)
Been watching streams constantly since launch, the game looks absolutely amazing and I'm super hyped to play it once I'm able to when it becomes F2P
Because it's a great game!
And that’s just the early access people. Wild
The game deserves it.
Is this game playable on PS5? I mean, I have played D4 and its fine, but the inventory management is just so bad with a controller. I have a PC too, but Im using it with a Ryzen 5600G integrated gpu, so idk if i can run it without any problems.
I'm loving the game so far. It can get very hard in places, but apart from that it's been great.
Hopefully it continues and the needless complaining in the reviews doesnt put people off. (I know there are genuine grievances in the reviews too ofc)
I wish I knew what I was doing but I’m having fun!
Just like every bew and hyped game. Yall fall for the same scenario like clock work
good thing the devs do not give a f about r/pathofexile
Im sad it didnt hit a million on steam but with standalone client they probably got close to 600-700k or so (no clue how many play off steam really). Either way its twice the numbers that POE ever did so Im super happy for them. Its so deserved they are some of the best game designers on the planet in my opinion.
Early release btw, what a great time I’m having. You feel the progression as you get better skills, gear, etc. Very rewarding.
once the campaign is done I feel the trend will reverse
That's pretty neat. GG to GGG.
For it to continue though... we need updates. Fast. Just minor things (and major if identified already). We don't need content updates, just some changes. Other game companies have done legit daily updates to their EA launches recently. Brighter Shores for example. Regardless, we're in for a good time.
I played POE1 casually and hate Souls games. Is this game for me?
It is already higher again! Honestly well deserved :)
I'm having a great time. Just picked it up last night and let it download over night. Got about 3 hours in after my girl left this morning and then helped out my dad clean some gutters cause it's not freezing here for the time being.
I'm stoked to get back on and play. I'm only lvl 7, taking it slow, but I've only died twice. Once on the first ogre boss guy in the tutorial and then once to the rust knight. My formatting tab isn't showing up so I couldn't spoiler tag it.
I think the loot is good enough but I think I've gotten incredibly lucky. I got an exalt orb or whatever it is. Got a couple golds for my build. I'm running a monk putting skills into energy shield regen and stuff so I'm actually fairly tanky imo. Still 2 or 3 shot mobs with basic attacks. Haven't had trouble on bosses. I'm excited to get back on and finish this quest. I like the pacing. I like the melee. I haven't died yet from being trapped by mobs or anything and I feel like the dodging is pretty great.
I never played the first and was wary of the negative reviews and complaints but I'm having a great time. I just got a level three skill orb I need to use too. Exciting stuff.
Only issues I'd note is performance on ps5 with screen tearing somwtimes. and lag but that could be early game server issues which get a bit of a pass or my own shitty wifi.
I'd always heard path of exile mentioned as a game on reddit that you can play endlessly and people loved it but I just never tried. I'm glad I picked this up.
Has there been a total population count, with the GGG launcher and consoles?
I hope GGG gives the actual concurrent players with all PC + Consoles.
Just wish it was better on steam deck....
This will be the biggerst drop in gamin hiatory.
Now if only they could fix the little problem of NOT BEING ABLE TO NAME OUR CHARACTERS
I just want to play without stuttering
omg its so popular
It's the weekend so yeah numbers will be higher compared to Friday.
Don’t tell the other sub
That's at least 16 million just from Early Access folks.
Fr, now it is 574,385 players but still under dota 2