Here's a Cheatsheet with Modifiers' maximum Tiers

I found it hard to assess how powerful an item is in reference to its full potential. To see the Tiers of Modifiers of an Item hold Alt in-game while inspecting it.
I gathered and aggregated the data from
It's not comprehensive. If there's interest, we can update it with more bases.
For the moment I looked at:
- int bases equipment: body, helmet, belt, gloves, boots
- attack weapons: bows, crossbows, quivers, 1H axe, 2H axe
- spell weapons: wands, staves, foci
- jewelry: amulets, rings
I hope there are no mistakes. Please point out if you find any.
Bring back T1 superiority
This is just an extremely hard to read cheat sheet. The colors/font on this black background is hard to see.
Of course, this is good, thanks for this, but I won’t open it every time to evaluate a new item for sale. GGG should bring back the old system. Why break something that already worked well?
This new ranking system is objectively awful. This would require you to tape this sheet on the side of your monitor to see if any given piece of gear is "good". They gotta go back to low-numba-good system. When you see a 4 you know what it is. In the new system, a 4 could be BiS or trash depending upon the modifier
old system way better, no need to reinvent whell and even make it worse.
Thanks, I hate it.
Bruh how tf did they decide that this was better than the PoE 1 system?
And how do I know what tier my stuff is?
Thank you for doing this OP! Your contribution to the community is a T13 or an OG T1
Yeah but how do you see the tiers? I don’t see them on my items.
Your chart is missing thorns
I mean they could just write "Tier 3 of 5" or "Tier 3 / 5" or "Tier 3 (max: 5)"
They just need to show you what tier out of what you’re at so like t 7/8. This allows them to grow upwards and not confused people when t1 changes because of power creep or the wierdness we get with essences that had unique tiers
"This makes perfect sense and is a clear upgrade compared to the previous system!" - No one
I’ll just wait till someone makes a plugin that evaluates item for high rolls
How many tiers are there in total? I though there are 10 tiers only …
I was so on board when they said they were flipping the system. It sounded great. Work your way up tier to tier. Its logical, its how a lot of other games work such systems .
Having now played, I want the old way back. Do I have good rolls? Bad rolls? Middle of the pack rolls? Who knows!
T1 is best or make it say "7/9"
Look, can someone tell me how I can check mod tier on an item in game? Please!
Do you guys not know about poe2.db lol
Wow thats really confusing tier 5 is highest for some then 8 sometimes 9 or 6 like what... Also life and es not being the same on all bases is just really odd 13 for life bit only 11 for es why? I hate this so much I love numbers being uniform and them being in a logical order.
Thanks! I'd prefer if you consistently used the columns in your cheat sheet instead of switching to "x y for rings" etc
why couldnt we leave the Tiering the way it was.. why are we trying to reinvent the wheel..
Our hero. Now we need a helper app. As always players to the rescue when ggg makes "design decision".
Bring back the old system.
Please make the background white for some people its gard to read on black with purple letters
How can u see the tiers on an item ?
You get these drops with a "Tier 7" affix and you're like wtf does that even mean in this game...
damn so its dfifferent max tiers dependiong on both stat + where it is, they really need to add this ingame.
Bro what is this spreadsheet? Why have you started with text after spirit to mess it up? Why is spell damage and accuracy not following the system of columns you've already done??
Holy shit this is a dumb system
I think it's because
Item tiers drop (like tier 5 on the ground) which block lower tier mods i think?
Consistency with maps? Like higher tier maps - better?
it seems to me that they did not foresee how it looks in practice. if they make the game for so long, do they remember every tier and do not see anything wrong with it? it reminds me of e.g. if you played poe1 for 10 years, you do not see the game the same way as someone who starts it for the first time, sometimes new players see things that a veteran would never get. that is why they should introduce readability e.g. t1/t9
The only thing this graph tells me is that the decision to invert the tiers in PoE is just plain stupid.
GGG, wake the F up with the tier mods and building in dynamic loot filter
Hey y'all. I incorporated some feedback from you and made a more comprehensive one here
So I am confused af is Tier 1 better than T5 ? Or how does those tiers work I mean if I find tier 5 gloves and Tier 1 who is better
Can someone explains what this means? I’m new. Is it talking about when you get gear and it says a tier in brackets sometimes? I’ve only ever seen up to tier 5, so does it go way higher than that?
They need to go back to the old system... not even sure how this was thought to be a good idea in the first place
Wild that this sheet is even necessary. Thank you for putting it together though.
Still hope they change it at some point. Tier 1 is used as the best for like...everything else in the world. And if an mod rolls t1 you can immediately, confidently, say "Oh cool there's nothing above this". And that went out the window and now we have a sheet that we need to rely on. Hooray!